Study shows that satisfaction increases with sex

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Drawing on research collected over a 30 year study, researchers at the University of Toronto Mississauga has discovered that satisfaction within a relationship increases noticeably as sexual frequency increases.

The study analysed data from over 30,000 people in the United States and was collected at three designated points over a 30 year period.

The responses from participants found that the couples who reported an increasing satisfaction with their relationships were couples whose sexual frequency increased up to once per week. Couples who engaged in sexual activity on a more frequent basis than this reported no noticeable improvements in their level of wellbeing.

The study, published in the Personal and Social Psychology Bulletin, aimed to uncover how people’s attitudes towards sex differed within a relationship and how that affected their overall happiness and well being.

The study also found no variations in the data based on gender, age or the length of the relationship, indicating that common stereotypes that men want more sex are not necessarily true.

Whilst the findings contradict many claims made in the media and elsewhere that relationships will naturally decline over time, psychologists at the University of Toronto Mississauga were quick to point to motivation and compromise as the best way to improve your relationship and maintain a vibrant sexual connection.

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